♦️Pump.fun AFK
wallet - alias of wallets you want to use
tip_wallet - alias of wallet you want to use for jito tips
rpc - alias you want to use to send tx
parser_rpc - rpc to be used for parsing burn tx (gpa calls, etc)
grpc_rpc: If you have your own Geyser endpoint, you can provide the alias of the RPC with the endpoint to be used, if left default the endpoint used will be default (our in-house)
buy_transaction_mode - normal | hybrid | jito (Normal tx | Normal TX+Jito | Jito only)
sell_transaction_mode - normal | hybrid | jito (Normal tx | Normal TX+Jito | Jito only)
token_balance_monitor_mode - whether to use ws or http for monitoring buy/sell confirm (pls use http for afk)
mode - newtoken or newtoken_ac
amount_per_token - amount of currency you want to spend on swap
filters - that you need to apply to setup // you can find a description of the given functions at the very bottom of the tutorial
max_tokens - How many tokens do you want to buy at one time
buy_slippage_percent - maximum slippage percent (ex. 10%, empty to have no slippage) Value - "0" disables slippage functions
sell_slippage_percent - maximum slippage percent (ex. 10%, empty to have no slippage) Value - "0" disables slippage functions
tx_retries - local retry sends X sendTx requests for each tx
tx_node_retries - node retry, via node
tx_per_buy - amount of transactions you want to send per swap buy (0 to use spam mode)
tx_per_sell - amount of transactions you want to send per swap buy (0 to use spam mode)
buy_tx_spam_threads - number of buy tx sending threads when using spam mode (1 by default)
sell_tx_spam_threads - number of sell tx sending threads when using spam mode (1 by default)
buy_tx_fee - buy transaction fee for swap transactions (in SOL) (default 0.00001)
sell_tx_fee - sell transaction fee for swap transactions (in SOL) (default 0.00001)
buy_additional_tx_fee - additional buy transaction fee for swap transactions (in SOL)
sell_additional_tx_fee - additional sell transaction fee for swap transactions (in SOL)
buy_tx_compute_units - compute units used for buy transactions (default 600k) (ONLY SET THIS IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING)
sell_tx_compute_units - compute units used for sell transactions (default 600k) (ONLY SET THIS IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING)
buy_tx_tip - tip amount for jito when buying token
sell_tx_tip - tip amount for jito when selling token
autosell_ms - milliseconds to automatically swap purchased token back to currency after (-1 or empty to disable) \\ I recommend using even 2 minutes, because if you have a weak setup then you may hit a RIP coin and have to wait for the TP/SL to be reached or sell the manual
autosell_bondingcurvenomovems - automatically swap purchased tokens back to currency if token's bonding curve progress has not moved/changed for X ms (-1 or empty to disable)
autosell_ms - milliseconds to automatically swap purchased token back to currency after (-1 or empty to disable) \\ I recommend using even 2 minutes, because if you have a weak setup then you may hit a RIP coin and have to wait for the TP/SL to be reached or sell the manual
autosell_tp - sell if reach % e.g 45%:25% <--- sell 25% token after hit 45% profit (check example screenshot)
autosell_sl: StopLoss
autosell_tsl: trailing stop loss
autosell_bondingcurvetarget - After attaining X% bonding curve progress bot sells token
autosell_ondevsell - Bot will automatically sell token if dev token sells its token - true/false
autosell_removefromlonstoploss - true/false whether to remove dev from whitelist file when selling because of hit stoploss
autosell_moonbagpercentage - percentage of tokens held to not sell when margin is hit for in profit sell (ex. 10% will sell 90% when positive margin is hit, negative margin will still sell 100%) -1 or empty to disable
timestamp_offset - how much milliseconds before pool live timestamp you want to send transactions (for ex. -500). If you have a prelaunches value of false and a value greater than 0 e.g. 5000 then the bot will wait 5000ms before buying
tx_delay - how much milliseconds to wait before sending another transaction
tx_retry_delay - how many milliseconds to wait before sending another transaction [local retry]
monitor_delay - how many milliseconds the monitor should refresh the statistics
additional - additional information field. nothing required.
ENTER -> sell 100% of token without moonbag
CTRL+L -> sell 100% of token without moonbag
CTRL+M -> sell 100% of token with moonbag (so if moonbag is 10%, bot will sell 90%)
Filters for pump.fun newtoken:
You add all filters via the | sign
mindevbuy - minimum dev purchase on launch in SOL
maxdevbuy - maximum dev purchase on launch in SOL
mindevbal - minumum dev SOL balance
maxdevbal - maximum dev SOL balance
mindevh - minimum dev token holdings in %
maxdevh - maximum dev token holdings in %
maxdevct - maximum dev created token count
sbt - snipe blacklisted tickers true/false [USE SBT OR SBTW]
sbtw - snipe blacklisted tickers (wildcard) true/false
sbc - snipe blacklisted creators true/false
swc - snipe whitelisted creators true/false (if it is true then snipe only from those you have whitelisted in json)
snx - snipe coins with no Twitter or X link true/false
snt - snipe coins with no Telegram link true/false
snw - snipe coins with no Website link true/false
sbcpp - snipe blacklisted creators (pumpitpro): true/false - whether to snipe creators that are blacklisted in PumpItPro API (needs pumpfun_pumpitpro_bl_key in config.ini)
swcpp - snipe whitelisted creators (pumpitpro): true/false - whether to snipe only creators that are whitelisted in PumpItPro API (needs pumpfun_pumpitpro_wl_key in config.ini)
swt - snipe whitelisted tickers: true/false - whether to only snipe whitelisted tickers
swtw - snipe whitelisted tickers (wildcard): true/false - whether to only snipe tickers that have the whitelisted tickers in them
Filters for pump.fun newtokenac:
mindevbal - minumum dev SOL balance
maxdevbal - maximum dev SOL balance
sbt - snipe blacklisted tickers true/false [USE SBT OR SBTW]
sbtw - snipe blacklisted tickers (wildcard) true/false
sbc - snipe blacklisted creators true/false
sbcac - snipe blacklisted creators using Alpha Chain global blacklist API (requires API key in config) true/false
swc - snipe whitelisted creators true/false (if it is true then snipe only from those you have whitelisted in json)
swcac - snipe whitelisted creators using Alpha Chain global whitelist API (requires API key in config) true/false (if it is true then snipe only from whitelist)
snx - snipe coins with no Twitter or X link true/false
snt - snipe coins with no Telegram link true/false
snw - snipe coins with no Website link true/false
sbcpp - snipe blacklisted creators (pumpitpro): true/false - whether to snipe creators that are blacklisted in PumpItPro API (needs pumpfun_pumpitpro_bl_key in config.ini)
swcpp - snipe whitelisted creators (pumpitpro): true/false - whether to snipe only creators that are whitelisted in PumpItPro API (needs pumpfun_pumpitpro_wl_key in config.ini)
swt - snipe whitelisted tickers: true/false - whether to only snipe whitelisted tickers
swtw - snipe whitelisted tickers (wildcard): true/false - whether to only snipe tickers that have the whitelisted tickers in them
Files in the Pumpfun AFK folder
You edit the blacklisted_tickers and blacklisted_update_authorities file in notepad/visual studio code into .json format, Below you will find an example of the filters
You can also enter the wallet address of suspected project owners
Last updated